Friday, May 26, 2006


I am not a photographer. Though I usually manage to keep eveyone's heads in the picture, that's really as far as my expertise goes. But Annika makes me want to be a photographer. She makes me want to look for interesting colors, textures, get the drift.

As much as I want to, however, I'm not really capable.

That being said, I still have no shortage of "cute" pictures of the baby girl. They may not be expert quality, but the subject looks pretty darn good about 99.48% of the time.

So, Chris wanted to send a picture of Annika to an old friend. His direction to me was "send me a cute picture of Annika, fairly recent."

Like...HELLO. All of the pictures from the last month fit this criteria!

So I send him this one:

Then he writes me back and says "Yeah, I need one that features the crazy hair."

Well, FINE - but let's be more specific next time. So I send this one:

Which one do you guys think is cuter?


Mandy Knotts said...

Ah- both adorable! Just different!;-) She is one cutie pie that's for sure!

Johnny K said...

yea... cuteness abounds! Mandy often asks me "which pic is cuter?" you can't really pick, so I usually say something like, "well do you want the hair or the hat?" both super cute, each in it's own way

The Barbers said...

How can she NOT be cute!? That gal never takes a bad pic!

Anonymous said...

If I haaadddd to choose one, I'd choose #1, but they are both adorable!

Summer said...

I like the first one b/c it's colorful, but they both show off her abundant personality. I know I keep saying how much she looks like you Jen but in that second one, I can totally see Chris in her. I know that's his new favorite Annika photo now!