Sunday, August 28, 2005

Thanks Grandma & Grandpa!

Yesterday, I was separated from my precious baby girl for the longest time ever. Our anniversary is this Wednesday, and Chris's parents graciously agreed to watch Annika while Chris and I saw a movie and ate out. Chris rightfully stated that dinner and a movie was "cheesy" but I came to the startling conclusion a few months ago that we'll never be able to see a movie in a theater again. (Ok, maybe that statement is a little dramatic). The point being that going out to the movies is a big treat for new parents! We are so grateful that we got to go out.

The plan was relatively simple - feed baby, go to movie, come home in between, feed baby, then go out to dinner. It worked out really well and Annika was an angel for her grandparents (though I doubt they would tell us otherwise). Though I think she's decided she likes them better than me since as soon as I started holding her she started crying. Hmmmm....

Picture of Annika in new Bouncy Chair which continues to prove indispensible. She is also learning to touch things on purpose! Such as ugly purple plastic butterfly on Bouncy Chair toy bar, Daddy's goatee and caterpillar rattle on changing table. Bravo, Annika. Bravo.

1 comment:

Jenn/Momma said...

We saw "The 40-year Old Virgin". It was very good! But I was freaked the entire time Annika was flipping out...