Then we put Annika in her high chair for the first time. It was an experiment - and there would be no food involved. She just seemed sad and lonely in her bouncy chair and kept looking up at the table. So we sat her in it, and wham! There was a happy kid - I think she was just super excited to be at everyone's eye level. I've realized lately how much easier it is to calm her down when she's either in our arms (duh) or proper somewhere that she can easily see our faces without craning her neck. Most of her current activities are on the floor - so Chris and I need to get down there more often lately to keep her happy. I like this highchair thing though - she's safe in there and sooooo cute!
She's also been amping up her motor and speech abilities. She has tried to roll again more often - she gets almost all the way there, the flips back onto her back super fast, and then is done with her effort. But she's once again interested in flipping over. Boo! She's also been laughing much more. It takes effort but she is quite fond of being held upside down (???) while having her feet kissed. It sounds complicated, but I assure you it is not.

1 comment:
Wow-- almost holding her own bottle-- super impressive!! And you may have just motivated me to get out the high chair out of the box-- though Travis is usually sleeping when we eat dinner. But, probably nice to get them used to the new seat prior to beginning the food experiments!! Annika is just precious!:-)
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