Monday, November 16, 2009

New camera

I'm the camera person in our family...I'm the one that makes sure that pictures are taken for special occasions. Sometimes it's frustrating because 1) I'm never in any pictures (which is probably a good thing) and 2) because it's a lot of pressure to be the only one who cares about capturing milestones.

That said, I've learned to embrace the role. And I've been complaining about the camera I got two Christmases ago because it's a point & shoot and though it's smaller than my previous generation it's still flat in the finish (if that makes any sense). So I told Chris about a year ago that I should have asked for a DSLR and I made a mistake.

Because he is awesome, listens to me and can't pass up a good deal; I just got a new one!!! Apparently a DSLR is serious business. I'm only just understanding its power and I know absolutely nothing about photography. But with the bare minimum, I've been able to get a couple of keepers. Tell me...can you see the difference?

Can't you just smell the tear??

And, my personal favorite:

Doesn't he look like a Gerber baby?

I have a few of Annika that I haven't loaded on the computer yet, but she's proving to be a tougher subject. The thing with DSLR is that if you don't know what you're doing (a-hem), you sorta need the subject to stop moving. And my darling girl never stops moving.


Emily said...

wow, fantastic!

Mandy Knotts said...

He's just a doll, Jenn!