Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Baby's first hot chocolate

Downing her not-too-hot, just right, hot chocolate:

"Uh-oh!" it's (predictably) on her shirt:

And yes, we still call her baby.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008

Jingle bells

Annika and I trimmed the tree on Sunday (after Daddy put it up, vacuumed the carpet of stray needles and hung the lights) and I can say this is the first year she's fully aware of Christmas and its traditions. Uncle Ben brought over an Advent Calendar (which Chris and I never had...so know nothing about, but apparently there's candy involved) and she's already made her first handmade ornament at school.

Trimming the tree was so much fun with her because every ornament would delight her. She'd say "it's so pretty!!!" and ask me every time she hung one if it was in an ok place. You'll note from the picture she was particularly fond of one section of the tree and that is where most of her ornaments were hung.

She is also excited about what she's getting for me and Daddy this year. When I asked her what she wanted to get him, she knew right away. She said, "I want to get him [this]." I said, wow, ok, and then I asked her for more specifics and she knew exactly how she wanted it to be. Chris said he's had similar conversations with her about my present except what she wants to get me and what he thinks she should apparently have led to a disagreement of sorts. I can't wait for the full story...I'm sure the punchline is that she is awesome and adorable.

Baby # 2 continues to grow and so does his mom...just not only in the tummy. But don't judge me!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

I'm tired

Might explain the lack of blogging.  Might be a cry for help.  You decide.

Will post real pictures later this week, but please be entertained by what my son should look like right about now...

He started kicking right before Thanksgiving and he pretty much has a go at it all day. He's still a tiny little guy, so I'm a little concerned what I'll be feeling in the next 4 months.

Annika loves to talk to him and is so anxious to feel him kick. I swear to both Annika and Chris that some of his kicks can be felt on the outside, but neither of them have had the patience to wait for it.

Also, the Naming Game is in full force, but so far no luck. I have a frontrunner, but Chris isn't convinced. In the meantime, enjoy some names that made our longer list, but are pretty much done for one reason or another (read: one person liked it and the other one didn't):


Figure out who proposed which name - could be a fun game!