Monday, April 16, 2007

Heard around the house

Annika's linguistic prowess continues to amuse and amaze us. I thought I'd share with you some of her greatest hits:

"You make me feel better."
"Don't sit on the book, Momma!"
"What was that?"
"Where did he go?"
"Daddy's at work!"
"Daddy is sleeping."
"Daddy is funny."
"Don't cry, Momma."
"Are you sad, Momma?"
"I like you."
"I don't want to change the diaper."
"I don't want to brush the teeth."
"Smells like poo poo."
"Nana is at the house."
"Pop is in the bathroom."
"Where are the jellyfishes???"
"Don't sing!"
"Don't touch me!"
"Don't tickle me!"
"I love you, too."


The Barbers said...

I love it. "Move Daddy" and "Stop it" are very popular around here. As well as anything that starts with "Don't. . ." Good to know our girls have strong opinions!

Emily said...

Can you put sound bites on this blog?

BilliamEnry said...

I know you miss me, but you don't have to go crying to your daughter about it.

Johnny K said...

hahaha! that's great! the most we're getting right now is stuff like, "big truck", "more cheese", and "all gone!"

Emily said...

I believe we get two postings this month (June) because the month of May was skipped.