Thursday, February 01, 2007


There are some interesting/weird things that Annika does. The one that makes me laugh the most is "deshi." For about three months she said "deshi" for things she didn't know the words for. Deshi usually meant "What is this?" but sometimes it meant "Oh, I know what this is" or "Come over here" or "My feet smell." Basically, we had no idea what it was, so we tried to fill in the blanks.

I haven't heard her say deshi for a few weeks now. This makes me sad. There are so many quirky things she does that make me smile, and before we know it, she's onto the next thing.

We have a baby book that I blow the dust off of about every three months or so, and then it's a mad dash to remember everything she's done. I usually get a kick out of my old baby book(s) (yes - my mom had two...I have no idea why) and recently discovered that I really only started talking around 20 months. Annika has been chatting for much longer, and it's things like that I want to be able to tell her. "Annika, even though you get D's in school, at 18 months you were totally super smart. Check out this baby book for proof..."

It became clear to me recently that this blog is an extension of her baby book. My intent had always been to keep family and friends updated on her life - especially those who live outside the Bay area. But now I believe I am writing this for her - so she has a taste for how much she means to us and to learn a little more about herself along the way. Now I need to figure out how to print this out before the Internet becomes obsolete. BECAUSE YOU KNOW IT WILL.


Anonymous said...

You crack me up Jen. I always thought this was for Annika - it is a wonderful record of your thoughts and Annika's journey from baby to toddler...and beyond.

PS: I don't think the internet will ever become obsolete...well, at least in our lifetime.

Tina said...

What, no pics? Braden loves to look at "Anna". (We're working on the "ka" sound).

Mandy Knotts said...

Love this- Jen-- I know how you feel. We'll help make sure Deishi never truly dies!;-)