Saturday, October 07, 2006


We purchased Annika's Halloween costume this afternoon. Though I am relatively pleased with it, I'm not that excited. Actually, I had something specific in mind, but it appears that these articles can only be purchased in baby size online from random people. So determined not to get my identity stolen from online predators, I took my baby and husband to our local mall to get to the bottom of this costume thing for 2006.

I will not spoil the surprise by revealing the costume here, but please - let's hope it's nothing like 2005. Now, don't get me wrong...we had a nice Halloween last year at Godmommy Lisa's - but the little girl could never adjust to her costume. We have absolutely zero pictures of her either being 1) exceedingly cute or 2) remotely happy. I am hoping that my neutral excitement for this year's ensemble will translate into a more excited baby as I was tremendously looking forward to the sunflower outfit. I remember buying it and thinking "my baby is now *officially* the cutest ever." And that never exactly happened.

But please enjoy this blast from the past -

Is it bad that this picture always makes me chuckle?


Johnny K said...

makes me chuckle too :-D

BilliamEnry said...

That picture reminds me of "mandrakes" from Harry Potter.

Summer said...

actually it totally cracks me up. so don't feel badly! :)