Sunday, October 22, 2006

Annika's first Halloween party

There is one thing that you should know about Halloween parties with nine children in a modest-sized home during an Indian Summer - they are scarier than any witch you'll see on October 31st.

Annika went to a Halloween party this evening at her friend Nico's house. The oldest child was five, and there were two babies at 6 months. The rest were from 12 - 26 months. It was sheer pandemonium. But those kids loved it. Nico has excellent toys, there was plenty of "kek" as Annika says, and hardly a tear was shed. Well, except when they shoved Nico into his penguin costume.

Annika is a "Heffalump" this year. I just found out that elephants existed in Christopher Robin's world. Who knew? Anyway, compared to last year's multitude of sobbing fests when her Halloween costume was within seven feet of her, she refused to take off this costume despite the incessant heat. What a difference a year makes.

Happy (early) Halloween!


Mandy Knotts said...

I LOVE the pix of all the kids! Priceless!:-) And adorable costume-- I would expect nothing less from the Hakes! Kiss that darling girl of yours for us!

Anonymous said...

She is adorable, just like her mama.

Kisses, Nicole

Jenn/Momma said...

Kisses to Nicole!

Anonymous said...

Hi Annika - You are just SO cute! I love that you were Heffalump!

BTW - You are giving Joshua's mama hope. Joshua was grouchy at Halloween and didn't want to wear his costume AT ALL! *Sigh* Maybe next year :)

- Carol