Tuesday, December 20, 2005


So Mommy reads a lot of child development books, online sites, magazines - a lot of them. And in addition to the pediatrician's recommendation, we wanted to wait to give Annika her first solid foods until she was six months old per the advice of all of these resources.

Before we knew it, Annika was 5.5 months old! It came up so fast that I started freaking out that she hadn't even touched a solid food, let alone eat them. And of course, I read yet another resource that said waiting too long can increase a baby's risk for diabetes later in life! Are we kidding??

So last Sunday, I ran to the store to get a special spoon, and we prepared to serve Miss Annika Gerber Bananas that I bought about a month ago at 50% off...yes, I'm that cheap. And no, they aren't expired.

Anyway, Annika had no idea what the fuss was about. As if she had eaten hamburgers her whole life, she popped the spoon in her mouth like an expert and proceeded to eat her new food with gusto and without fuss. She was also shockingly cleanly about the whole thing. I don't know what her deal is, but this kid is hard to impress!

But she impressed me, yet again.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

"First" "Christmas"

Annika's first "Christmas" was this weekend when her Mommy and Daddy hosted a holiday party for friends. She took this opportunity to open some gifts for the first time. It was preview for the real Christmas Day, and I have to say, I'm a little worried.

When presented with a brightly wrapped package, Annika tore it open like a hungry animal, grunting and squealing and violently ripping apart the gift. Now, we were all extremely impressed with her innate ability to open these gifts (she must get that from my side), but a little concerned about how she approached the event. I must admit that I'm a little worried for when she's presented with a number of packages and she tears everything to shreds and yells like a banshee when the paper is taken from her. Good times are in store.

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

This is how she repays me?

So, what maybe Annika doesn't know is that I gave birth to her. What that means is that her 8-pound body came flying out of my own. And it hurt. So I suppose there is some sort of expectation that she would appreciate that.

However, I have recently been informed by Annika herself that she is not impressed.

Annika's new noise is constant, loud, and precise. It goes something like:

"Da da da da da da da da da....Dada."

Friday, December 09, 2005

Per your request

As requested (you know who you are, Garfield!) here's a pic of the Hakes family Christmas Tree. Its name is "Yuletide."

Also, I couldn't help but include this picture of Annika in this hat...doesn't she look about 18 months old in this shot? Hats do a lot for her!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Smells like Holiday Spirit

So the countdown begins to Annika's first Christmas. Stockings aren't hung by the chiminey with care, but the tree is up! Quite a lovely Noble Fir found at Target.

Mommy & Daddy shopped for Annika's Christmas gifts in, like, August, so she was taken care of early. It's taken much willpower not to buy her everything that the consumer establishment pushes on proud parents. But we've, shockingly, refrained from excess.

Other holiday news includes a trip to our local portrait studio for Christmas photos of our cherished daughter. Nico Negrete stopped by and happened to be in a Santa suit.

Not sure if you've ever been to one of these baby portrait places, but wow, if it ain't exhausting. My daughter hardly smiles on command, so there is a lot of cooing, squeezing of toys and tickling of the cheek to extract that golden smile. After 20 minutes of that, you pretty much want to die.

But we got some great shots and we can now be one of those parents that get those posed shots. I love it!

Friday, December 02, 2005

Day 2

Today wasn't really any easier or harder than yesterday other than the fact that Annika woke up an hour earlier - at 5 - which makes me verrry tired. Luckily, Daddy entertained her before I fed her at 6. The schedule is very important!

She's been having a lovely day with Daddy and went on a few excursions including Circuit City and Bed Bath & Beyond. Details are sketchy on her behavior during these outings, but she's Annika...so you KNOW she was perfect.

Daddy's making dinner tonight!

<-------- Proof that my child smiles even when I'm not there.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


So today was my first day back at work. I have no pictures because well, I'm not with my baby and the lighting in my office is really bad.

I have no reports of how the day went with Annika, but I assume it went well since I received no emergency calls. Actually, I don't think her daytime caregivers (i.e. Grandma and Grandpa) have my number. Perhaps I should provide that.

Here are the highlights of my first day back -

1. A co-worker (male) walked in while I was pumping. This is not a joke.

2. I cried on the way to work.

3. I stumbled head first into a work-related crisis - can you say "job security?"

4. Chris came by my office for lunch. Soooo weird to be going out together without Annika.

5. Someone stole my Van Gogh wall calendar.

It's too soon to tell how much I'm going to like this new arrangement, but I will say this - if someone has to go back to work, this is the best deal. I work Mondays - Wednesdays (for a month), Grandma and Grandpa watch my baby - who is better qualified? - and they come to my house! I really couldn't ask for more. Well, I wish I could be with my baby all the time.

Pictures to come...the plan is to have Grandma and Grandpa take many pics so I know what happens during the day. I haven't told them that yet. Well, I guess i just did.