Saturday, November 05, 2005


Yesterday, Annika went to her 4-month appointment at the pediatrician's. The results were ASTOUNDING! Just kidding.

Annika appears to be right on track in terms of her growth and development. Our regular doctor was out "sick" (if anyone saw Dr. Clifford Yee at the beach yesterday, please call my cell) so Dr. Lee stepped in. What is interesting about Dr. Lee is that she has a son just six days younger than Annika! So it was fun to hear her exclaim "oh, my son does that, too..." or "he doesn't do that yet! She looks great!" I'm finding that parents have an instinctual competitive spirit.

So, here are the latest stats:

Weight: 15 pounds, 3.5 ounces
Length: 24 1/4 inches
Head Circumference: 16 7/8 inches

Of course, these stats fall into "percentiles." Annika is in the 75th - 90th percentile for weight still, but only the 50th for length. So, maybe her new nickname is Shorty? I know 50th pretty much means average...but parents don't like average!

Well, she doesn't have an average sized head. At nearly 17 inches, she's in the 95th percentile. THANKS DADDY.

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