The goal as of late has been to keep weekends low key so Annika stays on a decent schedule and doesn't get too excitable. So even when we actually have plans, they're pretty low key.
This weekend, Cool Aunt Tori came to visit. Cool Aunt Tori was in Mommy's wedding and is one of my best friends of all time...I think we've known each other for 15 years? Jeez! Sometimes I only feel like I'm 15 years old, let alone have friends for that length of time....but I digress.
Continuing her streak of a) being good for company (people she sees more than once/week like Godmommy Lisa don't count!) and b) enjoying people with darker hair (again, Lisa, you don't count), Annika quite enjoyed her Tori time. She was in wonderful spirits most of the time they were together, and Tori's flexibility allowed for Annika to maintain a very solid schedule and not get too "worked up" as we like to say at Casa Hakes. Annika also discovered her affinity for America's Next Top Model after watching four hours in a row on VH1. (Social Services - please don't take away my baby!)
Then on Sunday, Annika went on her first charitable mission. The Hakes Family joined Team "For Angie" (in loving memory of a wonderful lady, Angie Santos) at the annual Walk D'Feet ALS in Los Gatos. Though she didn't actually "walk" - for obvious reasons, and for the fact that her eating time coincided just perfectly with the start of the walk - she was there to support Angie's friends and family. It was a great excuse to get her outdoors, too, which is not as often as I'd like. Now, according to me, Annika was an angel for the event, but you might want to check with Daddy who actually sat out the walk with her to feed her with a cold bottle...you can imagine that's her FAVORITE. Oh yeah - and as I understand, there was poo as well (you ask for poo, people, and you get it!)

How is it that Tori's breasts always take a central role in her pictures?
Annika is getting more adorable by the minute! Travis sends his love!
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