Thursday, October 27, 2005

Everything in her path

Annika has a new hobby - it's called CHOMPING. I've been ignoring the signs of teething for a few weeks now, but it's tough to ignore now that anything she touches winds up in her mouth, and then is blown to smithereens. My finger, Chris's finger, her fingers, the burp rag (yummy!), her blankets, her rattles, her toys - I think you get the picture. Her chomping is accompanied by loud grunting noises. She's basically rabid.

I would show you a picture of her "going to town" as we say over here, but it's kind of unflattering. How about this?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is precious, of course you already know that. Costume was great. Just printed an 8x10 of Annika in her little blue dress for Grandma Julie. She was thrilled

Aunt Jo.