Sunday, September 25, 2005

The best ever?

This is an open letter to the readers of the Adventures of Annika -

Dear Gentle Readers,

The original intent of this blog was to tell stories, share pictures and give updates on the life and times of Annika. This was especially important for her friends and family who don't get to see her on a regular basis.

Since this blog has been established for a few months (Annika is nearly 3 months old...can you BELIEVE IT??), I'd like to get a sense from the 1.5 people who read this blog what you'd like to read/see more of. So in that spirit, I present you with the first ever Annika Blog Poll!

What would you like to see more of in the "Adventures of Annika"? (you can choose more than one!)
Pictures, more pictures than I can imagine!
Stories of her trips to Gymboree, the mall and Starbucks.
Family stories - what's up with her Mommy & Daddy?
Cold, hard statistics - tell me about her weight & height ALL THE TIME.
Milestones - crawling, walking, smoking...
Slice of life - a running commentary of what it's like to raise this precious baby and its impact on society.
Other! OTHER. (Please give me your 'others' in the comments section).


Free polls from


Mandy Knotts said...

Can I vote for all of it! I love updates in any form-- we love the Hakes! For your number compiling-- I did in fact check every box!:-)

Johnny K said...

I'm with Derek, more poop stories!!

The Barbers said...

oh yeah! i am on board with poop!