Monday, August 22, 2005

Pukey McPuke

The Hakes family had plans yesterday - big plans! Well, we were supposed to go to a birthday BBQ for a friend, but unfortunately Miss Annika was a little sick.

After a rather large meal, Annika decided to regurgitate said meal as she was still eating. Cool! Then about 4 more times, she puked and puked and puked.

Now, the good news is that she was in pretty good spirits - not any more or less fussy than usual. And the other good news is that she completely covered yet another new shirt of mine - I think she's 3 for 3! I think I should start shopping at Goodwill to trick her puke.

Long story short, we didn't make it to the BBQ, and she was up quite a bit last night. But her puking has lessened a bit - not gone, but not 4 times after one feeding session either. We'll likely call the Kaiser advice nurse tonight just to make sure all is well.

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