- Going to the bathroom in the middle of the night without assistance. No, she's not peeing the bed...she gets up to go to the bathroom.
- Buying a wallet and storing her cash in it, and asking if she can pay for stuff. She wanted to buy Declan a book this weekend, and she's also offered to help us out with dinner. This is a very helpful development.
- Getting dressed and ready every morning - without an alarm clock. Before I can say "coofffeeeee" Annika is fully dressed, with teeth brushed and hair combed. I need to bottle some of that energy up and sell it to myself. And pay for it with Annika's money.
I'm just so proud of this little girl...Happy Birthday, sweetie!
Separately, little Dex finally got to see his first movie in the movie theater. We;ve been prepping him with non-stop encores of both Kung Fu Panda and Cars at home, with both Chris and I debating about whether he was ready, and if so, which movie would be be more likely to sit through? We opted for Kung Fu Panda, because honestly, I can only take so much of Larry the Cable Guy.
He did very well for the first half of the movie, but started to get a little antsy towards the latter half. I mean, I was crying like a baby (the panda loves his goose daddy!) but Dex was wandering around the front of our seats like a trapped animal. We had to silence him a few times - he loves to talk at that big screen - but overall, it was successful. I won't do it again for a while, though.
This picture is taken with the Cars 2 poster for 2 reasons - 1) Declan is obsessed with Lightning McQueen and 2) there was no Kung Fu Panda 2 poster. So there.
Incidentally, Annika's first movie theater movie was the first Kung Fu Panda...Too bad there will NOT be a Baby #3 for Kung Fu Panda 3.
Happy Birthday, Sweet Annika!!!
Happy Birthday Annika!
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