A few weeks ago, Annika and I were chatting and I had a brainstorm....what if once/week she and I went out on a special date and called it "Girls Night."? Activities could include dinner, movie, ice cream (a specific request of hers), the mall...you get the idea. I mean, it's a list of things girls like to do. GIRLS NIGHT. Get it?
We've done Girls Night twice so far. The first time we went to the mall and grabbed a quick bite so we could shop for Daddy's birthday and Father's Day. The whole trip was actually quite handy, because otherwise I'd be forced to use the Interwebs for gift orders, and we all know I'd do it too late and then would have to spend at least 50% of the cost of the gift on Express shipping...This Girls Night thing came in quite handy.
The second time, we went to a restaurant that I like, but Chris doesn't. Handy again! There are a whole bunch of places he hates going that I never get to...thanks Annika!
So, even though Girls Night is certainly useful for gift-giving and pigging out, its real purpose is maybe even more awesome...spending 1:1 quality time with my gorgeous daughter. We do Girls Night on Mondays, and even though that's a school night (for me, since it's summer time for her) and I'm usually *exhausted*, I rally because having that time with her is simply amazing. I'm so honored that she's willing to spend that time with me, and I hope it's something that she looks back at fondly after Girls Night is long over, and has turned into "Monday Night...The Night Where I Ignore Mom...Just Like Every Night."
Long live Girls Night!
What a great idea! Monday night is no longer a day to dread.
Braden and I do this every Tuesday and we call it our Tuesdate. We look forward to it all week!
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