Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Two whole years

Believe it! The little monster is now two...

His latest tricks:

- Telling knock knock jokes.
- Proclaiming "I did it!" when he keeps at a task and gets it done.
- Running...everywhere.
- Asking to read many books at a sitting.
- Crying to get his way (oh, that's not really a new trick).
- Yelling, "DOOO!!!" when he wants to watch Scooby Doo.
- Telling us "I sorry" when he makes a mistake.
- And apparently, he really likes to and is very good at, blowing out candles.

I love you my little two year old!!! How lucky is a Momma like me to have a baby like you?

1 comment:

Emily said...

Happy Birthday Declan!