One of our favorite - and time honored - past times is to compare Annika to Declan at 6 months. He is just so different. Much of that I'm sure can be attributed to the fact that he's a boy, but also that he's...Declan. Someone recently said to me "It's funny how you expect your new baby to act like the first baby...but then you realize he's not just a baby, he's a person." Maybe not so eye-opening for some people, but it was for me!
Declan cut his first tooth this week after warning us about it for 3 months. I swear he's been showing signs since August, but we finally have proof! I would post a picture, but he is a master at covering it with his tongue every time. But it's there...and believe me, I know...I'll spare you the details.
Declan loved trick or treating with his sister until he got tired and fell asleep. But turned out the warm, puffy costume that irritated her so much during her first Halloween was super comfy for my boy who I don't think moved an inch the entire 2-hour odyssey. This is essentially what he looked like from the moment we put on his costume:
This kid looooves to eat. All the time. Whatever you put in his face. So far, he's eaten oatmeal, apples, bananas, carrots and tomatoes. He will eat it all though if he's not a fan he'll shake his head from side to side while tasting it. Then he'll open his mouth again for more. He has one "super feeding" a day, which consists of 5 ounces of either formula or breast milk and a two ounce serving of whatever solid we have available. And he hasn't dropped any other feedings. Hungry! Oh, but he's not even that big any more...he's now only 70th percentile in weight, 40th in height and 90th in head (we knew that one would eventually come to pass). I don't know where he's packing the food! I guess you can sort of see where he packs it in this picture - pay close attention to the legs:
Declan is working on his babbling. He doesn't have too many identifiable consonants yet, but occasionally we'll get a "ba ba ba" or a "mamama" (which I hope turns into his first word, wink wink). Usually he gives us some grunting and high pitched screams that aren't really anger, just an indication he's asking for something. He also has learned to stick out his arms if he wants someone to take him. I love it!
And we love him.
Glad to hear trick or treating went smoothly. Congrats to the little guy for his first tooth!
Can't believe he's six months old already! And what a cutie pie!
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