Sunday, February 15, 2009


So, despite the panic in my previous entry, this pregnancy has been smooth sailing. Suffered a touch of morning sickness in the first trimester, some food aversions and narcoleptic tendencies throughout these seven months. But overall, not too bad.

Well, that's not entirely true. Just at the start of my second trimester, I had a reoccurrence of a "soft tissue" injury in my right leg (just under my knee) from when I was running pre-pregnancy. Basically - super bad shin splints. The kind that make you unable to walk. Unfortunately, my lifestyle dictates that I walk. Often.

The pain usually lasts from 1- 2 weeks and is very debilitating. I limp around like an old lady while sitting and standing is excruciating. Sleeping isn't much better. And, not like I have drugs at my disposal. So, the second time it came back, I went to my doctor who basically said I was screwed (paraphrasing) because of my condition, and then suggested a cane. So yes, every other week or so, you'll see a pregnant lady on a cane lumbering towards you. It's just as attractive as it sounds.

Meanwhile, I also have terrible round ligament pain. I had this with Annika, so it doesn't concern me, but in addition to the leg pain it makes me sad. Luckily my body shifts the pain from one area to another, depending on whatever is flaring up so generally only the leg hurts or the round ligament pain does...woo hoo! Not really.

I'm ok with the pain since the kid is healthy and that is what matters (said without a drop of irony). But the whole thing is a bummer when trying to play with Annika, taking a walk or sleep. I swear this isn't a 'pity-me-post' but really just an explanation for if I seem a little grumpy...more than usual at least.

Otherwise, we'll hit the 30-week mark next week. Oh, and I love buying newborn clothes! Damn, they are small.


Mandy Knotts said...

Ugh-- sounds fun, Jen! Glad the baby is healthy- sorry things are so painful for you!

Emily said...

I want a picture with you and a cane.

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