Early last week, I took a routine glucose tolerance test to determine whether I had gestational diabetes. I didn't have it the last time with Annika and I don't have any of the markers commonly associated with a higher risk. Of course, there's a first time for everything so I was nervous about the test.
Of all the things that can go wrong with pregnancy, this one was the one that scared me the most. Now, I know that there are so many others serious things and - knock on wood - we've been blessed not to have to really worry about any of them with both pregnancies. I think that's why I was scared of gestational diabetes - it felt like the one thing I really could have. Not that I had any symptoms or predilections, but well, it just felt real.
The other thing about gestational diabetes is that if it's managed well, everything is very likely to be fine. But as someone who educates herself to the fullest about this thing called pregnancy, I also know there are a lot more risks associated with a pregnancy marked by gestational diabetes. I tend to be "dramatic" (I put that in quotes, because it's not really true) and think about the "worst-case scenarios" and so, I was pretty scared.
I didn't pass the first test. It sucked. I spent 5 days waiting to take the follow-up test. One other wonderful thing about testing for gestational diabetes is that the first test is one hour (you take a super sugary drink and then get your blood tested after an hour to determine how your body processed the sugar) and the second one is three hours. Thank goodness our hospital's lab is open on the weekends. Who has the time for this stuff?
So I went early in the morning by myself to the lab which was ok - I read a book, a magazine and played some games on my iPhone. It was almost relaxing. Again, our health care provider is pretty great and they can usually get results to you within 24 hours (or less) and send them via email! How great is that?
So I checked my email about 400 times yesterday while watching the SuperBowl (Sorry John...but I was rooting for the Cardinals, so though it was an exciting game, it ended in a bummer) and tried to eat healthfully...at a SuperBowl party. Not easy. Sort of a glimpse into my future. (Oh, and I won $155 in a SuperBowl box pool...woo hoo!)
I checked one last time before we went to bed and went to sleep knowing that my fate was sealed and that I had the support of my friends and husband if this were to become real. Chris has been great - agreeing to go on whatever diet they put me on and to encourage us both to eat better...no matter what the results.
Well, the results came back this morning and I passed the test. I can't tell you how relieved I am and how appreciative that this baby boy is so far very healthy. I thank God every day for both of our healthy children and a health scare even as minor as this serves as a reminder of how good we have it. But...baby boy: Don't do this to me again!!!
So glad you passed, Jen! Whew!
Alright you passed!
I'm so glad you passed the second test. I was pretty freaked when I took the test - I too was convinced I was going to fail (for various reasons) so I understand. Plus, I don't know about you, but that sugar drink was NASTY!!! Gives me the willies just thinking about it. We're so excited for you guys! Been thinking about you lately. :) Hugs!
I'm so glad to hear all is well! Love you!
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