Saturday, August 09, 2008


No pictures, please.

Annika is about 90% potty trained. I won't go into details, but suffice to say that she can handle most "business" on the potty.  The 10% part is that she has to wear a diaper to bed because she insists on drinking 24* ounces of milk every night before she goes to bed. (* this number may be somewhat exaggerated).

This good news leads me to Part Deux of more good news...being potty trained means she has moved up a "group" at preschool. She is now a proud member of the Blue Group (formerly Yellow) though she does miss her "Yellow friends." But don't be too sad for her, she sees those friends every time she's there during combined play time.

First stop on the Growing Up Train: Potty; next stop: Doctorate.

1 comment:

Emily said...

That's an amazing achievement! The end of diaper changes is near in sight!