Garfield asked me yesterday to give her an update on me...not Annika. What does that even mean?? But seriously folks, there is no me without Annika anymore. She is my life, my love, my everything. Doesn't mean that I don't do things without her...I go to work everyday, I sometimes go to dinner with my friends sans el bebe and Chris and I even manage to sneak away once in a (great) while. But we always want to go back. We are in love - with each other and with her. Ok, ok - enough cheese.

To illustrate some of this, Chris and I had a short weekend together in May to attend my brother's wedding. I like this picture because it looks like we actually enjoy each other's company...don't worry; it's all for show. I kid! But seriously folks, we do enjoy each other, though our alone time is limited and the strains of full-time jobs and a full-time baby sometimes get to us. We are absolutely not perfect, but we definitely try to get it right. If someone could carve me out enough time after work to make dinner, play with Annika, give her a bath, put her to bed, provide some lovely chat time with my husband and get me to bed by 9:30 - CALL ME!
So you don't go Annika-less, here's a picture of her at the Apple Store in Palo Alto when I was there for the iPhone launch.

Man, that was crazy. But seriously folks, I am so lucky to have a husband (and even parents - if you squint, you can see my mom in the background) who rolls with the punches and simply handles the business when the demands of my job literally keep me from handling the demands of my real life. That weekend was Annika's birthday, but everyone's patience and understanding really got me through it. I don't even think Annika noticed that I was working...which was awesome. We even managed to squeeze in a party. And a lot of presents.
Garfield - enough rambling. To answer your question: I'm (but seriously) doing great. Thanks for asking.
Yay! Good call, Garfield. ;) Good to hear you're doing well too my dear...thanks for the photos (why have I not seen more photos of the BB's wedding, btw?? :)) and the update on YOU. love and miss you as always....
Great! Glad you are doing well and surviving life.
Yay, wonderful post!! I love Annika's birthday pictures too. It is good to hear from you Jennie. It's been a long time.
From the pictures you and Chris are doing great Jen! She is getting so big and beautiful! You both are doing so well that I ask advice from Chris all the time since I got back to work full time! If you have any pointers from me I'll take them!
Hope to see you soon!
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