Why must they grow up so fast?
Why do I suddenly feel 100?
My little baby girl is 1 year old. Godmommy Lisa said that she's not a baby anymore, but a toddler...not sure I agree with that (shouldn't she be "toddling?") - but still. She's OLD! Chris turned 30 this year, I turned 29 forever, and Annika is 1. My first born. Growing up. So fast.
My labor story is ridiculous, extensive and not worth repeating. My pregnancy was similarly ridiculous, but mostly uneventful. Ridiculous only because I had no idea at the time what this condition does to the body. Uneventful because it was an extremely healthy pregnancy.

Annika, though born at slightly over 8 pounds,
was so very small. So quiet (at first). Then so loud. So very, very loud. She has always known how to effectively complain. Then she starting smiling.
Then oohing for Daddy. Then laughing. Then playing for stretches at a time. Then swatting at other babies.
Then walking around coffee tables. Then hugging and kissing Mommy.

She has such a personality. She is growing, literally, every day. She is the pride and joy of all that know and love her. She is mine, and I have no doubt that whatever life brings her, she will be always be loved by myself and her Daddy absolutely forever.
1 comment:
Happy happy birthday to you Annika--I can't believe we've never met- I'm going to fix that very, very soon - like this summer.
So Mama- prepare yourself.
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