Little girl is finally rolling with some consistency! Now, "consistency" is marked by the inconsistency of babies, but she's definitely a lot more interested in mobility than she was a week ago. We can leave her on a blanket for 20-30 minutes where she'll flail and eat her feet and yelp a bit until she finally finds her way onto her tummy. From there she looks aroundm bat at whatever is in her face, shakes her legs a bit, and then she's back to her back again. She actually is a pro at staying up on her side, that's her preferred position when on the floor, but this rolling thing has opened some doors for her. Or some floors, as it were.
Tomorrow we go to swim class for the first time. What fun/trouble that will bring, who is to know, but you know it'll be reported in this barely read blog.
I totally read your blog. I've been stalking it for like two weeks wondering when you are going to post again!!! Yay for rolling! -- Tamara
I love that you read it! I love you too! Leave Tom and marry me!
(I can say that here because NO ONE READS THIS!)
Dude, I read it too. It's just that at work we recently got this new antivirus software and it's so effective that I can no longer access the blog from work for some reason. And since I steal--ahem, I mean "borrow" the Internet at home, my access is unreliable. That's my sad story. But I'm all caught up now! Rolling and swimming, my lord, next thing you know she'll be voting. And I get my bathing suits from Target too! :)
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