Annika is a fairly big fan of the bath. Is it the scent of Huggies wash cloths? The shiny faucet in our guest bathroom? The tub that fits her little butt perfectly? Or the warm water? My guess is not the warm water.
This week, Annika had her first swimming lesson - in fact, it was the first time she's ever been in a pool. Being the fan that she is of her baths, I thought she'd get a kick out of the pool times...but not so much. It's not that she *didn't* enjoy her experience, it's that she didn't love it. Which was a little surprising.
The lesson consists of some singing, time in the water (duh) and a few exercises designed to get the little ones used to being underwater and held by other people. Annika let out a few yelps, but most of the time, she looked about wide-eyed and confused. She seemed a little cold towards the end with some blue lips, but the water was 90 degrees. Hmmm....
Anyway, I think she's going to start liking it more soon enough. She's a social creature, so she'll definitely enjoy that aspect. Also, she looks ridiculously adorable in her new swim suit (Target: $8.99). In fact, we had more than a few comments about how cute she was, how cute she was, and how CUTE she was. It's true. I don't lie about compliments directed toward my baby!
Sure she will enjoy it very soon. I remember my monkey was holding my zoo keeper very very tight in the first few lessons but towards the end of the quarter, he wanted to jump from the edge and to dive by himself. So be patient. Beautiful mom with cute baby in the pool!! You make many people jealous!!!! Will you post the picture of Chris with her in the pool next time?? :P
Chris actually didn't get in the pool this time...but he will soon - and yes, I will have photographic evidence!
so great, Jen-- there is a baby class that starts in April that I plan to take Travis too. So glad Annika handled it well- I'm sure she'll love it very soon!! And nice to hear your experiences before we embark on the journey ourselves!
"I'm not your daughter!!!!"
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