Monday, January 30, 2006

Big event for a little baby

Little Annika had her first big event - at least the first big event meant especially for her. She was baptized on Saturday, and it was beautiful. The ceremony was quick and special, and Annika was an absolute angel (pun intended). She never cried nor fussed - though she was chatty for much of the priest's homily (to his chagrin).

Afterwards, we had much of Annika's friends and family to the house. Well, mostly family. The house was packed and we were busy, but as usual, Annika just loved the energy. She was very calm throughout despite the fact that she was passed from person to person. In fact, she prefers it that way.

Later that night she went to sleep without a fuss - a big day for the little girl!


Summer said...

I'm sorry to have missed it, but I plan to be there for many of her future big the meantime my congratulations and kisses. :)

small potato said...

Can you invite me next time....? :P