Milestone madness. Little Annika is impressing me with her developmental achievements daily. Here are some updates -
1. She smiles quite a bit. Her smile is essentially her mouth wide open - looks like she's about to scream, but the corners of her mouth turn up enough that we can call it a smile. Things that make her smile - Mommy or Daddy making faces at her, the fish tank and her play mat. Sometimes her own reflection makes her smile. 
2. She laughed - once. We were playing peek-a-boo for the first time (previous attempts were aborted quickly when she started to make the cry face), and she was sooo excited. Lots of big mouth smiles, and finally a little giggle! We have only heard it once, but I am excited for more.
3. She rolls! I was kind of hoping it would never happen since I didn't want to have to watch her every move on elevated surfaces - like the bed and changing table - but she rolled yesterday! The experts say that rolling occurs usually because the baby wants something - a toy, etc. However, I am pretty sure Annika just wanted to roll. She was on the playmat and I was watching her. With a few grunts and lots of attempts to swing her body around, about 10 minutes later she was on her tummy! When she got there, her arm was still pinned underneath her, so finding that uncomfortable, she propelled herself back to her back in one fell swoop. She tried a little bit again today, but I am getting the impression that she was happy to do it once and feels no need to do it again. At least today.
4. She reads! OK, not really - but she does allow me to read entire books to her. We read The Very Hungry Caterpillar and The Cat in the Hat. She actually stays still and listens to me for both books - and Dr. Seuss is long! She also touches the butterfly at the end of The Very Hungry Caterpillar which is so cute. 
Those are the latest and greatest accomplishments. I'm sure there will be many more.