I get a lot of questions and comments about Annika's features. Questions consist of "what color are her eyes?" "Where does she get those fat feet??" Comments consist of "Wow, she really doesn't look like Chris" or "I can't believe she has red hair!"
I know it's hard to see what she really looks like in pictures, so let's take a moment to break down my gorgeous daughter's features, one by one...
Hair: Currently her hair is a reddish/blondish. My suspicion is that as she ages, it will become an auburn...like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman after she takes off the blonde wig. For those of you who know my hair well (and I know there are legions of you), her hair is basically my highlights - I have reddish/strawberry highlights that is mostly Annika's hair.
Forehead: She has a huge, protruding forehead. OBVIOUSLY it's to make room for her ample brains.
Eyes: This is the question I get the most - what color are her eyes? When she was first born, she had a newborn's inky blue eyes but they have started to transform to a lovely hazel. I know many in my family were looking forward to some baby blues, but nope - she's her own person! They say that eye color can continue to change up to one or even two more years - so keep asking the question, because the answer could change!
Body (torso): She's chubby, what can I say? Though it appears that her body type is a long torso/short leg variety.
Legs: More chubbiness. They also resemble chicken drumsticks. Mmmmmmm...chicken.
Skin color: OK, yes, she tends to resemble my lighter than light skin. The good news is that the tone of her skin is less pink and more yellowish - so I am holding out hope that she will tan! Now, let's not go blaming me completely - she is 3/4 Caucasian!
So if there are any other features of my beautiful daughter you'd like details about, just let me know. The thing is, the whole package is wicked cute and beautiful. And she gets prettier every day! That ain't no lie!

Good question -
So far, that's not entirely clear. At this pt, it looks slightly longer than the big toe - but it's not totally obvious. Since you visited her, I know you know this, but more interestingly her pinky toe is the same size as every toe but her big one. Now THAT is weird. But cute.
Yeah - the short legs are a bummer. THANKS POP. However, her gorgeous eyes are a pretty big bonus. :)
What does she like better, trick or treat?
Which piggy does she relate to most (market, home, roast beef, none or wee, wee, wee)?
And most importantly, who's her favorite designer?
Roast Beef.
Caroline Herrera.
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