Saturday, May 19, 2012


So are any of you left? That's ok. I forgot I even had this thing. Stupid Facebook. Hmm..where did we leave off? - The NY Giants won the Super Bowl. YES. I bought a bottle opener key chain at JFK airport about 6 weeks was on sale. YES. - Annika has become a fluent reader. Today she read her first "chapter book" all in one day. I remember the first chapter book I read all the way through by myself...Freckle Juice. Sigh. Those were the days. Annika lost her two front teeth ("her two front teeth...") and looks adorable. She talks all the time. Asks a zillion questions. - Declan turned 3. He can even put his fingers in the correct position! He wants so very bad to pee in the potty, but he says "It won't work...EVERY TIME!" Of course, there are toys on the line..hence the frustration. He told me "Yeah, I wear baby diapers, but I am a big boy." He talks all the time. Asks a zillion questions. - Chris is tired, but maybe a little less so...trying a new schedule where he gets up a wee bit later has made a little difference. We're going to the SF Giants as a pre-birthday/post Christmas present. Not like they're going to win the Super Bowl or anything...but I'll go. Oh, and he totally got me a bound book with the entire blog in it for my birthday! It's gorgeous and now if the Internet blows up because aliens have taken over the earth, I will still remember the time when Annika first held her own bottle and Declan drove a car for the first time. Take that, Internet!
See you in 5 months!...just kidding...not really. Maybe.