The other day I was lamenting to the aforementioned, long-suffering husband that I was bummed that my children didn't have blue eyes. I told him (with a straight face): "It's just very strange to look at both my kids and not see blue whole family has blue eyes! That's all I've ever known."
Despite the fact that Chris openly questions the paternity of these cuties, he is an amazing father. He is the one they come to when they want a tickle, he is usually their first choice for the bedtime book and Declan looks around like a crazed animal when Daddy is out of the house "Daddy? Daddy??!!!"
Sometimes I get jealous. And then I act out like a petulant third child, demanding of the poor, long-suffering husband, "Why don't you give meeee allll the atttennttioon??" Dear God, I'm annoyed just writing that. Can you imagine how annoying it is to hear it?
But he is the rock of the family. Rarely (openly) bothered, upset or irritated by the demands placed on him by three people who pretty much worship him. Exhausted maybe, but well, something's gotta give.
Lucky us.
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