Little guy had a stomach virus. He proceeded to tell us that his tummy felt "sick" and then puked two more times that day. His appetite wasn't its usual robust self, so we knew he was sick. However, he was in pretty good spirits and seemed to bounce back in a day. We thought it might be over.
Two days later, Chris came down with something similar...but the virus had gotten worse and he was laid up for at least an extra day more than Dex was. I, of course, have little patience for adult sickies, so I was less than helpful and annoyed that I had to spend my Memorial Day weekend tending to the kids as a single mother. The nerve!! In Chris's defense, he did rally for one day so we could go to the beach for a few hours...but he promptly relapsed pretty bad on that Monday and our long weekend was over.
Tuesday we wake up and Chris decided he needs an extra day, so is staying home sick. Declan is at the grandparents, and Annika and I are getting ready for school and work, respectively. Then guess what? Annika runs into our room and starts grabbing her tummy and says "Mommy, Mommy, Daddy Daddy, I don't feel good!! My tummy!!" and not five minutes later, we're bringing out the cleaning supplies. So much for Chris's sick day.
I had been grumpy for the last few days, but thought I was avoiding the virus monster, so I went to work. I felt a little off, but just thought I was annoyed to be at work...I mean, I usually am. Anyway, I get home that night and feel the alien invading my body...I ate dinner that night knowing it would be my last meal: and it was.
Annika finally went back to school on Friday, which is a bit of a bummer since this is her last week of school and she missed a few special days with her friends before the summer starts. I luckily was able to work from home the rest of the week (I tried to go in for a day, but my co-workers said I was gross and shooed me away).
We're all a little thinner, a little grumpier and a little out of it...we've never all been sick at the same time, but we sure fell like dominoes. The only thing I'm grateful for is that the sickness was somewhat staggered so we were all able to take care of each other at one stage or another. Well, except poor one really took care of him. Love you, sweetie!
1 comment:
Wow! That totally sucks.
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