Saturday, August 07, 2010

The boy

I was paging through some pics and came across this one...I know...he's in Christmas pajamas. But it's August, you say. Well, I say Hannah Anderson is expensive and it still fits, so it's Christmas in August!

I post this picture because this is how he is...all the time. Underfoot, getting into trouble. When he's not scaling his toy BBQ to get onto the coffee table, he's trying to eat one of Annika's toys or wants to use the remote control to use as a phone. Chris and I regularly refer to him as a "menace". Why didn't anyone warn me about boys? Oh, many of you did. Woops.

However, when he's been naughty, all you have to do is give him a stern "Declan!" and then command him to give you a kiss. He'll walk over to you with that grin you see in this picture and open his mouth, lean into you, and give you a nice wet one. Maybe boys aren't so bad.


Mandy Knotts said... just wait Jenn!!!;-) He's sure cute though!

Emily said...

It's like a good thing when he's naughty. That grin is priceless, and a kiss too!

The Barbers said...

You have a menace, too! They are both so beautiful!
BTW, I continue to be impressed with your ability to blog almost every week.

Carol said... never stops.... :)