Annika is a ham. She loves to pose for photos. She likes getting into preposterous positions for each shot. That is annoying because what I really lack is one really good face shot of her. Recently I got a couple. The one on the left is this face she makes when telling a joke or when she's looking for a reaction. The one on the right is one of her many, many poses that she thinks I'm looking for when I take out the camera. Though that usually ends in some half-closed eyes or blurry images, this time I managed to get the ridiculous position...but it's definitely all her.
Declan is a wanderer, always lusting for the next interesting experience. If he's holding an iPhone which he's spent the better part of an hour trying to wrangle, once he has it, he wants to know how if he can get the gum out of my purse, right now. He loves drawers, cabinets and anything that opens and closes. Doors, window blinds, get the idea. The picture on the left is Declan in our hall cabinets - a favorite destination. The picture in the middle is the windows in our great room where he stares out the window and then grabs for the blinds to rip them down. Finally the picture on the right is an image of determination. His absolute favorite spot in the house is our desk shelves which happen to have our printer in his line of sight. He loves that printer, having spent the first two weeks of his crawling skills heading right to it and touching it over and over and over. I don't know the specifics of this picture, because Chris took it, but pretty sure he was in the middle of getting changed and decided to crawl over to his favorite spot and cause some trouble...Declan style.

None of these personality quirks alone are probably all that interesting. However, sprinkled together over their little hearts, they belong to them and them alone. Love you guys!
Love it-- adorable!
What wonderful spirits!
By the way, that thing Annika is doing with her lips in the picture on the right is SO YOU.
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