Friday, February 12, 2010

Something New...

So, Declan is entering his next phase of mobility. Prior to today he would "crawl" (and I use the term loosely) when he was on a hardwood floor. Basically, the slick surface provided him the opportunity to use his arms to drag his legs along for the ride as he semi-crawled wherever he wanted to go. The catch was that if you got him onto carpet, the resistance was too much for him to overcome and he would either give up, or just start flailing and rolling around until he got where he wanted to go.

Apparently, the flailing wasn't cutting it because today he decided to do this...

I'm somewhat conflicted at this latest development. On the one hand, I'm proud of my baby boy for doing something his sister never did. On the other, he's now capable of getting into all sorts of new hazardous situations.


Tina said...

I'll have you know that I had him crawling @ Nana's last Monday. I told his Papa that he just needed the right motivation. (I kept his puffs just out of reach!)

chakes said...

Puffs didn't work on carpet. He's ben mobile on hardwood for a while, so we tried a variety of things to get him moving on carpet too (trail of puffs, piles of puffs, toys, hazardous objects) to no avail. He would get in position and then wuss out and lunge at the last minute.

Emily said...

That's great! Love the bit of drool too!

The Barbers said...

I agree. The drool is a very nice touch.