Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Reflections on maternity leave

My leave comes to a shuddering close this Monday - I head back to work on September 1. Of course, this change brings about mixed feelings. I feel like I've just gotten to know Declan - he's sweet, enjoys a cuddle and is just learning about his body - what his hands can do, what it feels like to put a toy in his mouth and how to keep his head up while on his tummy. Little things, but little things that are defining my son.

And he'll probably be my only son. Pretty sure our shop is closed and that's bittersweet....sweet because we can see our future stretching out before us and we're able to plan...bitter because there will be no other time in my mid-life when I'll have 4 months off to enjoy my family. To exclusively focus on my lovely children who teach me something every day.

In a lot of ways, I was able to bond more with Annika during these 4 months than Declan. She reacts strongly to my being at work, and we've become very close. She's not a cuddler like her brother, but she knows I am, so she lets me hold her whenever I want - something she doesn't do when I'm away for a while. During the days I've had with both kids, I saw all of Annika's personality - the good, the bad and the ugly...but mostly the good. I saw her kindness and appreciation of Declan, what makes her laugh, and her never-ending quest to get *me* to laugh...she's a comedienne for sure. Her artistic sensibilities have become more sophisticated over the summer - she draws in the lines! She uses realistic colors and she has a real pride in her work. She's working on her lack of patience and is starting to understand how much she wants to contribute to our household - she wants to do "chores" and help with Baby Bro whenever we need her.

Leaving Declan will be hard, too. He's just starting to have those bright eyes of understanding...he smiles when smiled at and is hungry for attention and information. He's finally learning how to fall asleep on his own, though I don't think his night wakings will be gone by next week...but that's ok - more time with my little guy. It breaks my heart that I might miss those upcoming milestones...but I know he'll eventually appreciate having a Mommy who is challenged at home and outside of it.

Four months is not enough, so maybe if we're ever granted a "surprise" we can move to Europe where leave is a lot longer. But I'll never forget this summer and can't wait for what the future brings.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Annika's first soda

We're pretty strict about Annika's fluid intake - she can pretty much eat anything she can get her grubby hands on, but I'm weird about drinks. No juice, unless it's a special occasion and definitely no soda. She gets chocolate milk about once every 6 months. It's milk and water for her, and she's actually ok with that.

Two of her favorite shows, Catscratch and SpongeBob romanticize root beer. Main characters in each show crave root beer and go to great lengths to secure it. She talks about it a lot - what is root beer? what does it taste like? why is it special? I told her that root beer is soda, and she's not allowed to have soda - so that's why it's special. She really never presses the issue.

We went shopping yesterday and wandered into the soda section. I thought to myself - be a hero! - so I plucked a 2 liter of Safeway's best (we can work our way up to the name brands) and announced she could try it. She was super excited and a little nervous (maybe I made her afraid of soda?).

The Negretes came for a visit that evening and after dinner I asked her if she was ready for her glass of root beer. Oh, she was! Check out the twinkle in her eye before the big moment:

Then the big moment:

And, finally, the sickening realization that this stuff did not taste right (check out Nico's terrified expression in the background):

She continued to make horrified faces for 2-3 more minutes and wouldn't be talked into trying another drop. Ha! Great news! My kid hates soda...I wonder how I can apply this to her candy habits?

So I asked her today why she didn't like root beer, and this is what she told me, "It was too sour and too bubbly. Actually, I think the bubbles caused the sour trouble."

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Declan loves to talk, and he's especially aggressive when he's trying to say something. It's like the little wheels are turning and he wants to converse, but he knows what will come out won't quite capture his opinion.

He coos a lot for Chris but usually freezes up for the camera. This is one of his better showings.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tuckered out.

Annika slept through the night starting at 3 months. We knew at the time we were lucky, but now that I have a kid who isn't I really know how lucky we were.

I think what worries me the most is when I go back to work (countdown: just over two weeks to go) and I walk around like a zombie. I am fully aware I'm not the only person in all the land to go to work sleepless, but doesn't mean I'll like it!

In other, more happy news, Declan laughs! Chris has a pretty surefire way to make that happen - it involves a lot of belly tickles. He also is close to rolling over and I'm pretty sure he's starting to teethe. He drools incessantly, bites on most anything he can get his hands on (not me - knock on wood), and often throws his hands into his mouth. Could be part of the sleeping problem? Maybe? I don't know...too tired to care.

Annika got moved up in her preschool to "Red Group 1" which basically means Pre-K. A little more focus on letters, numbers, learning, etc. as opposed to socialization. I was worried she would have difficulty transitioning, but she told me this morning that she likes her new classroom and was worried at first, but isn't any more.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

OK- how about now?

Though, maybe the better question is why do I still have this same towel after 4 years?

Stretchy baby

Monday, August 03, 2009


Had a good day today - both kids slept in (sorta...Annika got up a little before 9 while Declan got up at 4 and 7, but then slept till 10:15.). So I snuck in some good rest...sorta.

Rounded up the troops for a Starbucks run around noon. I prefer to get it earlier, but with the late start and treating myself to a shower mixed in with some feeding, that was pretty much our first shot.

After a quick drive-thru experience, I decided to keep driving because I wasn't ready to face the rest of the day in my messy home. Annika and I pretended we were underwater - she was an eel, Declan was a jellyfish and I was a whale...not my choice.

We passed by the bookstore and I suggested we check it out - Annika was game, and I've been steadily trying to improve Declan'a book collection. We had a blast there, picked up two new books for Miss Annika and one for Dex.

When we got home, we "played" with Declan which translates to laying on a blanket and waving toys in his face. Annika is pretty good at keeping him entertained and we had a great time - no one more than D who loooves attention of all kinds.

Scooby Doo movie for Annika, feeding for D , and a quick game of backyard I Spy rounded out the afternoon.

Whew! I am beat, but not too shabby. Though, my house is still a mess.