Maybe I've blocked this part out, but when Annika was Declan's age, I don't recall her being so hungry for attention and entertainment. Don't get me wrong - I realize that 11-week-olds enjoy the attention and want to be cooed at, fed and cuddled, but Declan is *starving* for it. He just needs someone to be in his face at all times and if you're not in his face, you better be holding him - or else! I type this as he screams in his crib...he's completely tired and ready for a nap, but refuses to fall asleep.
Any ideas? We have the playmat, which is useful for about 10 minutes. He does like it, but the magic wears off. He started to enjoy Annika's old bouncy chair, but now he gets furious off when he sees the toys that dangle from the overhead bar. Annika used to squawk at the bird, but Declan screams at it like it's going to come alive and peck his eyes out.
He has a new toy named Sandy the Seahorse that captures his attention for about 2.48 minutes. He picked it out at Babies R Us (after I showed him a few toys while we shopped - and that one elicited a smile) but since he's not ready to fully grab and grasp things yet, it's usefulness is short lived as well.
Maybe he's going through a phase. Maybe it's second child syndrome - since his attention from birth has been split with his sister. Maybe he's just a needy little boy. I'm ok with that, but it sure does make the day go by slllooowwwlllyyyyy....
If you have any ideas for entertainment, drop me a comment. I'm open to all & any suggestions!
Go to Starbucks. The sounds, smells, and cool lamps might work? And really, you can have a Grande Iced Mocha.
Wii? PS2? How about Tropical fish? a Bulldog?Remember, this is Chris's son. :)
LOL! Maybe it is a boy thing - Joey is the exact same way! If you find anything that helps, let me know!!
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