Thursday, April 02, 2009

64? Nah...96!

One of my most prized possessions when growing up was my box of 64 Crayola crayons. Annika has dozen of drawing utensils, but no box o' 64. I kept trying to remind myself to get her a box, but it continually slipped my mind.

Through the fog, I finally remembered and made good on that promise to myself. We went to the drugstore last night and picked up a box...but well, everything in Annika's life is bigger and better than anything I've ever known, so I opted for the box of 96. Who knew it existed? Oh, and it totally has a built-in sharpener. Genius!

She has really enjoyed - as much as I hoped - and is finding a new interest in coloring. I think the wide array of colors makes any girl happy. Next stop...make-up.

1 comment:

Amy said...

That's awesome. Now I totally want to go out and get MYSELF a box!