Will post real pictures later this week, but please be entertained by what my son should look like right about now...

He started kicking right before Thanksgiving and he pretty much has a go at it all day. He's still a tiny little guy, so I'm a little concerned what I'll be feeling in the next 4 months.
Annika loves to talk to him and is so anxious to feel him kick. I swear to both Annika and Chris that some of his kicks can be felt on the outside, but neither of them have had the patience to wait for it.
Also, the Naming Game is in full force, but so far no luck. I have a frontrunner, but Chris isn't convinced. In the meantime, enjoy some names that made our longer list, but are pretty much done for one reason or another (read: one person liked it and the other one didn't):
Figure out who proposed which name - could be a fun game!
We like the name Jackson. Any ex's on that list? That's always a sure fire way to say... cute name, but NO! Excited about the little guy!
Mandy...great memory! Jackson was our first choice for a boy when we were pregnant with Annika...but we've lost our love for it. Not because it's not an awesome name, but because we know a lot of Jacks...
I'm gonna kick someone's ass if the kid is named "Gavin".
Erik - yes, you're right. Gavin was my offering.
Does he like to wake you up at 4:00 every morning kicking like mine does?? I'm with you on the concern for the next 4 months!
Oh, i want to know what the frontrunner name is?
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