Thursday, March 29, 2007

Baby wire

There's a lot of things we do right. I won't go into those things because there are soooooo many (uh huh). But there's one thing we do wrong. It's called baby wire.

Annika loves USB cables, cell phone chargers, HDMI cables, power adapters....just loves them. She either refers to them as "that's mine!," "baby wire" or "the cord."

Maybe you're thinking "she's on her way to becoming a computer engineer!" And though that may be the case, I can assure you that her interest doesn't stop at merely being in the presence of these precious goods. Oh no - she usually has to wrap them around herself. Sometimes around her neck.

My parents visited this weekend and I think they were pretty appalled by baby wires. And I was too, at first. But they give her so much joy. Is that so wrong? IS IT?

On the brighter side, she also is obsessed with "wipies." In fact, we can sometimes use them as a treat. As in, "Annika, if you brush your teeth, I'll give you a wipie." She stands below you jumping (which is more like an awkward prance) and begging...sort of like a doggie.

I would say that she's weird, but I remember who her parents are and I let it go.


Johnny K said...

yea that's rad, just keep an eye on her! I love that kids find joy in the simple things, cords, cardboard boxes etc... Trav's current joys come from harassing our (fully clawed) cat and new daredevil feats such as standing on the seat of his bike and letting go of the handlebars. so yea, if it weren't babycords it'd be something else!

Anonymous said...

I was just talking to Mike about this. What is it with kids and wires?? I was hoping Joshua would grow out of his fascination w/ wires soon, but I guess not :)

- Carol