I think we may be getting the hang of this parenting thing. After the doctor took his first few looks at Annika, he said "Any questions for me?" Chris and I used to write down every question we had for each doctor's appointment and these questions would often number in the double digits. This time I looked him right in the eye and confidently said "Not this time." Later I asked him whether she should be feeding herself to make it look like I had it together. Note to self: Have question ready for next time. (Oh, and he said that she could try to feed herself with a spoon...which is pretty much where she's at right now).
Yes, she went trick-or-treating last night. It was quite the affair! Papa, Daddy and I took her while Nana manned our door for other candy requesters. She didn't really like standing at strange doorsteps waiting for people to answer their doors, so one of us held her while we did our darndest to prompt her to say "trick or treat" which came out more like "tictret." But she did try! People are very excited to see little babies at their door. She had a good time, though was a bit overwhelmed. I think we hit about five houses.

She also took her second plane ride this weekend to see Pop and Mamma. (Mamma is Annika's version of "Grandma" - not to be confused with "Momma.") This time Daddy came which was *wonderful* for Momma. Anyway, the highlight of that trip was watching my parents watch her. She's just so beautiful, I love it when other people see it, too.
P.S. Yes, that is a construction cone hat that says "Caution: Gas leak below!"
Have you finished all of your -- I mean Annika's -- Halloween candy yet?:) Lydia got a corner of a 3 Musketeers the night of.
Well, finally someone commented, sheesh! I may actually update this thing now.
Annika received about 8 pieces of candy, and she had about 3 of them. I know, I know, I'm a bad mom...but it was HALLOWEEN!
She also enjoys the 3 Musketeers and has partaken of plain chocolate Hershey's bars.
Some of us just like to read.
Anonymous: Fair enough. But when you write something like this, you want to make sure someone is reading it...or it's even mmore self indulgent than it already is. Even an "anonymous" comment here and there is nice to get. :)
Thanks for reading (and that goes for everyone!)
- J
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