Anyway, Annika is a little sick today - a low grade fever and some snot. This is usually cause for concern because we are ridiculous first-time parents, but is further compounded by the fact that I was exposed to viral meningitis earlier this week. Before you send me flowers, I have yet to have any symptoms, and I was very minimally exposed. I contacted our trusted health professionals who assured me that it was extremely unlikely that Annika could contract this if I have yet to demonstrate symptoms. It's more likely that she's nursing a nasty cold. So we are doing the humidifier thing, which is annoying because it spits out water all over the place and I even tried a steamy shower, which didn't work because our hot water didn't last long enough. Have I mentioned that we live in the ghetto?
So both subjects came to a head today when we attended a family baptism for Annika's dear cousin Pierce. She was able to sport her fancy dress and "Shoes!" and also was instructed to not touch other children and to keep her hands clean. Fun was had by all, as you can imagine.
Actually, it really was a lot of fun, and Annika had a great time for a sick kid. I think I need to tell my trusted health professionals about the healing powers of shoes and sparkly dresses.
The picture is after the day's events - please ignore the messy room and my massive face.
When Brianna was Annika's age, we couldn't go into Safeway without going into the Payless Shoe Source next door. Same thing...a fit with her yelling "shoes" if we didn't go in. I'm still waiting for her to outgrow this obsession. P.S. we loved seeing her!
Maybe the "Shoes!" thing is genetic??
um, of COURSE shoes and sparkly dresses have healing powers!! this makes me excited for the day when the three of us can all go shoe shopping together! :)
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