Grandpa/random person: Annika - are you a baby or a little girl?
Annika: Babies!
As Grandpa says, "She insists that she's a baby!"
Well, I also insist that she's a baby. I still call her Tiny and I still tell her often that she is my baby. However, she is showing signs of becoming a little girl.
She walks all over the house from room to room. Her appetitie for mobility is insatiable. For someone who never learned to crawl, this is a huge deal!
She talks. She demands "Milk!" and says "Up!" when she wants you to pick her up. She knows so many words that she can't say, but she really is understanding the world around her. It's as unsettling as it is touching.
She eats what she wants when she wants. She really doesn't like most baby food delicacies. (I can't imagine why!) She wants what we eat all of the the point that we eat after she goes to bed which means a late dinner at 7:45! I get hungry!

She says no to just about anything. If she hears a question of any sort, her answer is "No!" complete with a head shake. If you wait a moment and ask again, she may just take that sip of water she just furiously denied. Oh, the fickleness of toddlers...or should I say "little girls."
Why does all this sound sooo familiar?
Annika has never crawled. Ever.
As my boyfriend says.. why does this remind us of Pink and the Brain..."I'm going to take over the world..." Watch know how girsl can be. Muwah. Love, Nicole in NY
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