1. "Hi!" She can say hi prompted, and sometimes doesn't need to be prompted. For the most part, she recognizes that this is a greeting, but sometimes just likes to hear the sound of her own voice. She greeted me yesterday when I rescued her from the crib with a bright "hi!"
2. "Baby." She has no idea what baby means, but if I say the word baby, she knows that it's a word she can say, and often she just goes ahead and says it. She tends to whisper it, and my theory is that she's not quite confident with that word, but likes to try and say it. But really, she has no idea that a baby is a tiny person like herself. Though I do get a kick out of her saying it whether is means anything or not.

3. "Dad-dee." Daddy, more often than not, is the beneficiary of this word. That said, she also likes to say it when pointing to balloons, asking to walk, when she wants to play with her drum set or pretty much...whenever she wants to communicate anything. Anything and everything is "Dad-deee!" But if I say "Annika, where's Daddy?" She looks right over at Chris and gives him a big smile. (Conversely, if I say "Where's Mommy?" she looks around blankly. Seriously Annika - 25 hours of labor. What part of that don't you understand?)
1 comment:
OK Tightie - get in touch. I read the labor story (and cried from laughing, sorry), have looked at every single photo of your beautiful baby girl, and can't believe it's been a YEAR since we talked. Get back to me, boo.
Your pal, Gabrielle
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