Don't answer that, but it was totally fine. Annika (from reports) was wonderfully well-behaved and managed to catch a night baseball game in San Francisco! Annika's bed time is 7:30, so a game that goes until at least 9 and requires another hour drive home...well, let's just say I didn't have high hopes and Chris was more than a little...reticent.
Despite a rocky start, Annika quite enjoyed the experience. Big smiles in the pictures I've seen and the stories include her making friends with the section they were sitting with, stopping two (very drunk) softball players in their tracks and receiving both a free Build a Bear giveway stuffed bear and a "Very First Baseball Game" certificate courtesy of the SF Giants. Oh - and the Giants won 4-3. Against the Padres. And that put them in first place. But then they lost today and they suck again. Stupid Giants.
Next stop for Annika: the New York Giants! Well, some day.
That's our girl, look at how she's loving the baseball game! If she comes to visit her Auntie Summer in the next two years (well, if it's during baseball season) I will take her to see...whatever baseball team you go see when you live in New Jersey. Thanks Annika for sharing your mommy with me this weekend (and thanks to Chris too :))...
mmmm i'm not sure how i feel about her first baseball game being a giants' game. besides, the a's build-a-bear is oh so much cuter than the giants' one.
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