Baby shoes are just so adorable. They're tiny, and cute and decorative. They really complete an ensemble. However, my baby rarely wears completed ensembles.
The trouble is she has big feet. Well, more accurately: Fat feet. They are fairly wide, and the ankles don't really have...definition. Her leg is just sort of attached to the foot. This makes shoe wearing and purchasing difficult.
She has approximately two pairs of shoes that really fit - shoes that she can wear and won't tear off or fall off. One pair is from Payless Shoe Source (you could pay more - but why?). They're sneakers and they are "wide." Who knew they made wide sizes in baby shoes?
Then there's Robeez. What's cool about these is that they are elastic - and fit her wide foot quite nicely. And she has little success in ripping them off. And so stylish...you can see for yourself in the picture. See how "complete" this ensemble is?
Unfortunately, she can give a rat's ass about the ensembluh. Can't you see she's hungry. Feed the Child!
Wip out YOUR BOOBS (and yes, you have boobs) and feel free to do so!
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