So Mommy reads a lot of child development books, online sites, magazines - a lot of them. And in addition to the pediatrician's recommendation, we wanted to wait to give Annika her first solid foods until she was six months old per the advice of all of these resources.
Before we knew it, Annika was 5.5 months old! It came up so fast that I started freaking out that she hadn't even touched a solid food, let alone eat them. And of course, I read yet another resource that said waiting too long can increase a baby's risk for diabetes later in life! Are we kidding??
So last Sunday, I ran to the store to get a special spoon, and we prepared to serve Miss Annika Gerber Bananas that I bought about a month ago at 50% off...yes, I'm that cheap. And no, they aren't expired.

Anyway, Annika had no idea what the fuss was about. As if she had eaten hamburgers her whole life, she popped the spoon in her mouth like an expert and proceeded to eat her new food with gusto and without fuss. She was also shockingly cleanly about the whole thing. I don't know what her deal is, but this kid is hard to impress!
But she impressed me, yet again.
Your ahead of us, Jen!! Since we have been travling back east since the 12th we are waiting until we get back next week to venture into the solid food arena! I'm sooo glad it went well- encouraging!! Your daugter is a star!
nono - nothing is wrong with the way she opens it! However, when she gets excited like that, she can get pretty crazy and aggressive - hence my concern. After opening a few gifts on Christmas morning, she may not be able to handle the excitement of opening the rest. But we will see!
umm- what percentage of photos here have her beautiful open mouth smile? sooooo cute. and I love the picture with the hat.
I expect nothing less from the child of Chris. What is the over-under on her buffet-abilities? 2 years?
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