So today was my first day back at work. I have no pictures because well, I'm not with my baby and the lighting in my office is really bad.
I have no reports of how the day went with Annika, but I assume it went well since I received no emergency calls. Actually, I don't think her daytime caregivers (i.e. Grandma and Grandpa) have my number. Perhaps I should provide that.
Here are the highlights of my first day back -
1. A co-worker (male) walked in while I was pumping. This is not a joke.
2. I cried on the way to work.
3. I stumbled head first into a work-related crisis - can you say "job security?"
4. Chris came by my office for lunch. Soooo weird to be going out together without Annika.
5. Someone stole my Van Gogh wall calendar.
It's too soon to tell how much I'm going to like this new arrangement, but I will say this - if someone has to go back to work, this is the best deal. I work Mondays - Wednesdays (for a month), Grandma and Grandpa watch my baby - who is better qualified? - and they come to my house! I really couldn't ask for more. Well, I wish I could be with my baby all the time.
Pictures to come...the plan is to have Grandma and Grandpa take many pics so I know what happens during the day. I haven't told them that yet. Well, I guess i just did.