Maybe we're the only weirdos who think this, but as new parents, we're extremely superstitious. We are never more so than when we talk about Annika's sleep schedule and patterns. If she has a "good night" - i.e. 6 or more hours of straight sleep - we never really think "this is it! she's figured it out! sleep for all!" In fact, we usually say stuff like "Oh, she slept a lot during the day - you know she'll wake up tonight."
So, I'm here to announce, that for the past two weeks, Annika has been sleeping from....8:30 p.m. - 7:00 a.m.! OH YES, IT'S TRUE. Well, it was true - until it wasn't any more.
So, I've been living my life for the last two weeks - soooo well rested and suuuuch a better mommy because of it. We had a rhythm down. We had a sleep routine. We were rocking!
However, the last two nights, something got screwy. Maybe it was the change in weather. Maybe it was the clean crib sheet. Maybe it was....too good to be true?
So, on night #1 (Sunday), she woke up at 4:30 a.m. Now, that's usually not too bad - because that means about 5-6 straight hours of sleep for us, which is doable. However, when she was smaller, waking up at 4:30 meant eating then going back to sleep. Now that she's all about waking up for good once she wakes up, she thought 4:30 was TIME TO GET UP! That wasn't good. I am lucky, because I have a wonderful husband who was already awake and willing to sit up with her and attempt to get her back down. Sadly, by the time he left at 6:30, it didn't happen. She was eating from Mommy as Daddy kissed us good-bye.
Then last night, it was a little worse. Sleep routine complete, Annika went to bed with a smile on her face. Usually that means she'll hang out in her crib for a while before she cries for someone to rock her to sleep one last time. Daddy went in as requested, and she JUST WOULDN'T SLEEP. Daddy tried rocking, the bouncy chair, a pacifier - she just wasn't interested in sleep. So he finally brought her into our room where she was happily playing with her hands. Then she flipped! Started screaming and just wouldn't stop. We hadn't heard her cry this hard in a while. I finally fed her again, and she drifted off - though not without a fight. This all finished by 11:30 p.m. - which is 3 hours past her bedtime. We surmised that she was likely extremely overtired. But it was still very strange.
The good news is that she did sleep until 7:30 a.m., which was nice.
I continue to remain hopeful that she'll get her rhythm back. But I will never forget those two delicious weeks of sleep...sweet sleep.
Yeah, I don't know what that means.
I am impressed that she goes to bed so early and wakes up so late. We have a 9:30-6:30 schedule going over her, but that, too, is always up for negotiation according to Lydia's whims. I hear ya on the overtired! And on having your well-rested life back!
What Emily means is that possibly Annika was anxious to go out and get cheap, late-night Mexican food so that she could drift off to sleep thinking about Tijuana and all of it's splendors...
WHS - I know that since you're the all powerful knower of grammar and spelling, you realize that "its" in that context is sans apostrophe.
And to note another spelling error, Garfield up there meant "must," not "mush."
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