We went to Costco today, with mostly good vibes. Annika was looking adorable in an outfit Mommy picked out, and Chris carried her around in the Baby Bjorn. About 10 minutes into the trek, Chris asked me to feel her butt - he thought it might be wet. Though it felt damp, I wasn't convinced, so we carried on.
Mommy needed lunch after Costco, so we headed over to Subway (if Jarod can do it, so can Jenn!). While ordering my Italian B.M.T., Chris came in with Annika and asked me to feel her butt AGAIN. This time, it wasn't damp - it was wet.
He then proceeded to change her ON ONE OF THE RESTAURANT TABLES. Now, I realize that Subway isn't really considered a "restaurant" but I believe they do have cleanliness laws to follow. In his defense, Chris thought it would be a pee-pee diaper, and we'd be on our way...however, it was MAD POOPIE, and soaked through her shorts and her onesie. In addition, it was up her back. (I know...so many poopie stories...but if you're looking to avoid them, you're reading the wrong blog).
So then he had to really wash her and change her on the table in grand view of all the Subway patrons (like, 2). But still! I was pretty horrified and embarrassed, but we hurried along and were never asked to pay a toll or anything, so I guess it was ok. I'm not going to that Subway again, FYI.
She's clean now, you'll all be happy to hear...
In my defense, the Subway counter where the people were ordering was around a corner from the table where I was changing her. It's not like they could see what was in her diaper. In fact it's the only table on that side of the Subway (which is oddly shaped like a 135 degree angled hallway). Also in my denfense, they didn't have a restroom with a changing table available. Isn't there some sort of law against that?
Give the location of the Subway so NONE of us can go there again.
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